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Published: 2017-12-10

Are You Submitting Your Research Article To A Journal? Think Before Submitting

Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology, DVVPF’s Medical College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.


Nowadays a vast number of new journals emerging globally in each week. Most of the authors are confused while publishing their research articles due to various guidelines by governing bodies of respective nations. It became a challenging task for authors to find a suitable journal to publish the articles. In the current scenario, authors need to update knowledge themselves while considering the journal before submitting.

Nowadays vast number of new journals emerging globally in each week. Most of the authors are confused while publishing their research articles due to various guidelines by governing bodies of respective nations. It became a challenging task to authors to find the suitable journal to publish the articles. In current scenario, authors need to update knowledge themselves while considering the journal before submitting.

Please perceive the following while choosing the journal:

  • Is the selected journal having registered ISSN? (Some journals are online only, others are online as well as print-based. Confirm whether both the versions are registered with ISSN separately)
  • Check whether the journal clearly mentioned the scope of journal in its web page?
  • More research is being published worldwide.
  • Does the journal belong to any reputed organization/university/Society/School/College?
  • Recognize and get acquainted with editorial board members.
  • Check whether the basic details (Email/Telephone number/Publisher’s details, Country/ Language of publication) are mentioned clearly.
  • Whether journal provides immediate open access to its content?
  • The published articles indexed/archived in services that researchers use commonly? (Ex. Google scholar, Index Copernicus, Pubmed, NLM, Scopus, Web of Science)
  • Is it easy access of published papers?
  • Are there any submission charges? If yes check for details are available on website?
  • Whether regularity periodic issue /volume published on time as mentioned in about journal (ex: Monthly/ Quarterly/ Bi annually)
  • Does it have the privacy statement /Publication ethics mentioned in the website?
  • Whether type of peer review process and policy statement of assessors mentioned on their website? (The unpublished manuscript is a privileged document. It should be protected from any form of exploitation)


  • Is it the right journal for your work?
  • Whether manuscript fits the scope of the journal.
  • Whether the study contributes to fill the gaps of the corresponding field
  • Come with a catchy or an attracting title so that the first impression is built good.
  • Follow the guidelines for authors while preparing manuscript for submission
  • Check of is there any page limit and manuscript word counts (Specially for Abstract)
  • Is it manuscript presented concisely and well organized?
  • Clearly acknowledged/cited/documented the content in manuscript

Think, Check, then submit your article.


  1. Dr Angle Borja. Six things to do before writing your manuscript. Available at: https://www Published on 12 may 2014. Accessed on 8/11/2017 at 9.00pm
  2. Open access academy. Think. Check, Submit. Is a campaign to help researchers identify trusteed journals of their research. Accessed on 9/11/2017 at 8.00pm
  3. Enago Academy. Things to consider before submitting a manuscript Available at: Accessed on 9/11/2017 at 11.00pm
  4. Aijaz. A. Shaikh. 7-steps-to-publishing-in-a-scientific-journal. Available at: Accessed on 11/11/2017 at 10:30pm
  5. HongyiSun,. Structuring papers for success: Making your paper more like a high impact publication than a desk reject. Technovation. 2014;34(10):571-573.

How to Cite

Vijay Prasad, S. (2017). Are You Submitting Your Research Article To A Journal? Think Before Submitting. International Journal of Current Research in Physiology and Pharmacology, 1(1), 1–2. Retrieved from